
Bing’s Tool For Showing How Much Better Bing Is Than Google Struggles With A Search For Itself

Bing launched Bing It On today. It’s a big campaign Microsoft is running, trying to show people that they will prefer Bing results in a blind comparison with Google results. It’s live at BingItOn.com.

As I pointed out in a previous article, it really doesn’t take into account a number of significant parts of the user experience of either search engine (like Google’s Knowledge Graph or Bing’s social bar), but it is what it is.

Google’s Matt Cutts pointed out via a tweet, that a search for “bingiton” on BingItOn shows Bing having a hard time with the query, compared to Google:

Sure enough, Bing’s results (on the right) want to give the user “Bring It On” the movie. Then “Bring It On” the musical. Then pictures of “Bring It On”. Then “Bring It On” the movie again. Then, finally, BingItOn, followed by a news result about Kix Brooks and “Bring It On Home”.

Google’s results (on the left) show three news results for Bing’s endeavor at the top, followed by BingItOn’s landing page, and a bunch of other stories about BingItOn.

Bing It On
