
Bing Wants You To Let It Know What Pages “Best Represent You” (And Your Friends)

Bing recently launched Bing Tags, promising to help you “get noticed,” and “show up better on Bing”. The feature lets Bing users tag themselves and their friends in pages around the web, and see what pages their Facebook friends have been tagged in.

Now, Bing is making tags more visible by letting users select pages they want to tag and having the pages show up in search results.

“Whether it’s your Twitter profile, blog, or that art portfolio you’re proud of – Bing Tags lets you highlight the pages that best represent you,” says Bing Social program manager Diana Hsu. “You can also help your friends by tagging relevant pages about them. Was your friend quoted in the local paper, or published in an online journal? Or maybe they have a fantastic photo blog to show off? Just tag your friends to show them some love, and once they’ve approved the tags, the pages will appear on Bing.”

Bing Tags Feature

“Remember – you have full control over what is shown to the public on Bing,” adds Hsu. “If a friend tags you to a page, we will not surface it outside your network until you confirm the link is the one you want showing up in search results”

Tags are only visible to friends until they’re approved by the user and made public.