
Bing Video Gets Infinite Scroll, Related Content Tab, Filmstrip, and More

Bing is currently in the process of rolling out some global updates to Bing Video, a series of improvements that they say will “make it easier to scan, explore and discover videos.”

“We have made a significant investment in expanding our video coverage to provide you with as much relevant content as possible,” they say on a blog post. “Once we collected the vast storage of videos, we had to think about how to display the results so they would be easy to use and scan.”

So now, when you search for anything on Bing Videos, you’ll see more results at one time. Bing has switched over to a new grid layout, that displays dozens of videos at one time on the page. They also added an infinite scroll feature so you don’t have to keep clicking over to a new page.

On the search results page within Bing videos, you’ll also see a related search tab at the top. Your actual search will always remain the first tab in the bunch.

When you actually watch a video (that doesn’t take you to an outside site), you’ll find that the video viewer has gotten a bit bigger. Bing has also added a “filmstrip” to the top that houses related videos.

Lastly, when you perform a search on Bing (not Bing Videos), your video results on the search page will also be arranged in a filmstrip format and all of the previews will be larger. “Along with the large previews, the videos also received updated treatments, such as 16×9 images, embedded video length time stamps, and icons to help you quickly navigate the results,” says Bing.

The new grid and infinite scroll design on the Bing video results page is pretty cool, and it’s good that they finally put a related videos tab on top. Are you a fan of Bing Videos? Do you think these updates will enhance your experience? Let us know in the comments.