
Bing Introduces Image Match To Sift Through Image Sizes

Bing wants you to imagine a scenario. You’re sitting at home searching for images of Mt. Everest because you have nothing better to do with your life. Against all odds, you find that your life is slowly improving as you see more images of this majestic mountain. Suddenly, you find the perfect image and you want to make it your desktop wallpaper. Unfortunately, its resolution is much too small. You could search for “Mt. Everest 1920×1080,” but who has time for that? With Bing’s new feature, it does it for you.

Bing announced today that it’s introducing a new feature in image search called Image Match. The new feature has you choosing an image and then clicking on the image match button. From there, Bing will present you with a page of the same image in various sizes ranging from wallpaper to small.

Bing Image Match

If you want even more options, you can click on view all sizes to see a full page of the same image in various sizes. This is especially helpful if you’re looking for a specific resolution.

Bing Image Match

That’s all well and good, but what if you find an image outside of Bing? Well, you can hit up Bing Images, click on image match and then put the image URL into the search field. From there, Bing will try to find every instance of that image on the Web. You can also upload images from your PC and Bing will go fetch more sizes of said image.

Bing says Image Match is available now, but it’s still not showing up for me. It may be one of those gradual rollouts so keep an eye out for it.

Image via Bing Search Blog