
Bing Improves Voice Search On Windows Phone

Bing has made some improvements to its voice recognition capabilities to make voice search on Windows Phone devices more accurate and faster.

“Voice search is supposed to be seamless and efficient, but sometimes your phone misses important words and takes too long to return results, that aren’t always what you’re looking for,” a Bing spokesperson tells WebProNews. “Today, Bing is rolling out updates to it voice search on Windows Phone 8 that allows it to return results twice as fast as before and improves accuracy (word error rate) by 15 percent.”

“”These improvements are a result of the work the Bing and Microsoft Research teams have been doing to advance Deep Neural Networks (DNN), technology that is inspired by the functioning of neurons in the brain,” the spokesperson adds.

In a blog post, the Bing Speech team writes, “By coupling MSR’s major research breakthroughs in the use of DNNs with the large datasets provided by Bing’s massive index, the DNNs were able to learn more quickly and help Bing voice capabilities get noticeably closer to the way humans recognize speech. We also made a few improvements under the hood that allowed Bing to more easily identify speech patterns and cut through ambient and background noise – cutting down response time by half and improving the word error rate by 15 percent, even in noisy situations.”

Bing says these improvements are just the beginning of tis work on improving speech and voice capabilities across MIcrosoft devices and services.