
Bing for Mobile for BlackBerry Gets Update

Microsoft announced an update for its Bing for Mobile BlackBerry app. The app can now access Bing Maps by pressing the Bing Maps icon from a user’s BlackBerry device. 
In addition to this, the home screen has been updated, and a launcher has been added, so local, maps, directions and news can all be accessed faster. 


Bing for Mobile for BlackBerry
The app supports the following devices:


BlackBerry Curve 8500
BlackBerry Curve 2 8520/8530
BlackBerry Bold 9000
BlackBerry Tour 9600
BlackBerry Bold 9650 (Essex)
BlackBerry Bold 9700 (Bold2)
BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8200
BlackBerry Storm 9530
BlackBerry Storm 9550 (Storm2)


The app can be downloaded from m.bing.com from the device. Verizon users will be notified with an update. Microsoft has a video about the app available here.