
Bing Ads Get Change History Graph

Last month, Microsoft announced a pilot for the Change History Graph feature in Bing Ads. The feature provides insights into how changes made to campaigns impacted their performance.

The company announced today that it is moving out of pilot mode, and is now available to all Bing Ads users. The feature can be found in the Bing Ads web user interface under the Change history tab.

Bing Change history ads

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Bing change history

“The Change History Graph is designed to save you a lot of time studying the performance of your campaign by making it visually apparent on one screen,” says Bing Ads program manager Young Shi. “It also helps reduce the risk in making campaign changes that work against your goal, since you can see which of your actions have resulted in what changes to your performance.”

“For example, say you saw a significant rise in clicks to your online ad,” says Shi. “What happened? Was it something you did? Use the Change History Graph to find out what you’ve done that works, and adjust what doesn’t.”

This week, Microsoft dropped some stats about Bing Ads and the Yahoo Bing Network, which has 159 million unique searchers. According to Microsoft, 51 million of these do not use Google.