
Bing Adds Five Times More Facebook Content To Your Searches

Bing has launched some additions to its sidebar today, adding more content from Facebook to the already social-heavy Bing experience launched last year.

“Beginning today, each person will see an average of five times more Facebook content from their friends in the sidebar,” a spokesperson for Bing tells WebProNews. “This includes the addition of status updates, shared links, and comments from your friends, so it’s easier to see who and what they’ve shared related to your search.”

” With the addition of status updates, shared links and comments to the sidebar, it’s now easier to see who knows and what they’ve shared related to your search. So when your friends aren’t around, Bing is the perfect stand-in,” says Bing Corporate Vice President Derrick Connell in a blog post.

“Bing also puts you in control of your search experience,” says Connell. “We honor all of your existing Facebook privacy settings, nothing is shared automatically, you only see what your friends give you permission to see (though their Facebook settings) so you only share what you want to share.”

Bing launched a redesign of the social sidebar last month, making it so users no longer have to hover over friends and experts to see additional content. Instead, Bing now just shows the content, marked as social results.

Of course Bing is also involved with the new Facebook Graph Search, in that it still provides the web search results.