
Ben Carson Announces He is Officially Running for President

Ben Carson has officially announced he is running for president, adding yet another candidate to the Republican field. The retired neurosurgeon spoke with KOMO News on Sunday, and said he is in the 2016 race.

“I’m willing to be part of the equation and therefore, I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States of America,” Carson said.

“Many people have suggested to me that I should run for president, even though I’m not a politician,” Ben Carson added.

Dr. Ben Carson rose up out of poverty in Detroit–eventually becoming the head of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. He was first recognized politically when he admonished President Barack Obama two years ago during the National Prayer Breakfast. He spoke out against a few White House policies, including Obamacare.

“I began to ask myself, ‘why are people clamoring for me to do this?’ I represented a lot of the same thoughts that they have,” Ben Carson says. “I’m not 100 percent sure ‘politics as usual’ is not going to save us. I think we are in a severe problem…a problematic situation.”

Ben Carson is known for shunning political correctness. He refers to himself as a ‘reluctant warrior’ and admits there’s no way he can solve all of the problems the United States is facing.

Ben Carson is expected to make a formal announcement about his presidential candidacy on Monday at an event in Detroit.

Are you surprised to learn the retired neurosurgeon is throwing his hat into the proverbial ring? Can he earn the Republican nomination?