
AutoTrader.Com Reveals Impact Of Superbowl Ads

Cadillac, Toyota, Acura, BMW, Hyundai, Audi, Fiat, Kia, Chrysler, Chevrolet, and Volkswagen all had ads during the Superbowl this year, but did they have an impact? Were they worth the money they spent on the ads? An infograph by AutoTrader.Com reveals the some answers to these questions:

Probably the most interesting is the Fiat 500, apparently over 65% of the product searches happened after the game was over (not shown on the infograph). Perhaps it just stuck in consumers heads. Hyundai seemed to spark interest pretty consistently. The searches were across several models throughout the entire game. The heaviest hitter appears to be the Chevy Sonic, followed by Toyota with the Camry.

This is real-time information on what consumers were doing in reaction to the advertising. It would be interesting to hear what about the ads provoked watchers to leave the game momentarily, to go search a product.