
Ashley Greene: No Glass Crack Pipe at Fire Scene

Ashley Greene lost one of her dogs in a fire that tore through her West Hollywood apartment back in March of 2013. After the fire her building manager, Adrian Mayorga, reportedly filed suit against the Twilight actress, saying he “suffered permanent respiratory damage” from the fire he said was Greene’s fault. He also reported that a glass crack pipe was present at the scene of the fire.

A source close to Ashley Greene recently told Us Weekly that the building manager’s claim was bogus.

“There was no crack pipe found in Ashley’s apartment. It’s all hearsay from unnamed sources–Mayorga’s claiming he heard from a friend of an unidentified worker who may have entered the apartment. Additionally, Phillippe went on the record saying he wasn’t there,” the source said.

Adrian Mayorga claimed in his deposition that Greene and her guests appeared “disoriented … they looked like they were drunk or under the influence of something.”

Mayorga also said that a man cleaning up debris following the fire in Greene’s apartment found a glass crack pipe.

“Of course Ashley was disoriented! She was awoken at 9 a.m. to her house being on fire. Who wouldn’t be?” the source said.

And even though Adrian Mayorga claimed he had respiratory damage, he also named everyone he believed received treatment after the fire. He wasn’t among those needing treatment?

“The only people I saw getting treated was Ashley Greene, her brother Joe Green, and the current boyfriend, Ryan Phillippe,” Mayorga said in his deposition.

Ryan Phillippe, who is Reese Witherspoon’s ex-husband, submitted a sworn declaration that said not only wasn’t he at Ashley Greene’s apartment the night of the fire, but that he had never even been there at all–not ever.

Does it sound to you like this building manager is hoping to get something for nothing out of what could have been a potentially deadly fire? By supposedly making up things–like there having been a crack pipe at the scene and the presence of Ryan Phillippe–was he trying to capitalize on any funds the Twilight star might have accrued during her acting career?