
‘Arrested Development’ Soundtrack Is Reportedly On The Way

Music has always been an important element in the genius behind Arrested Development. With Netflix’s Season 4, that’s no different. The Mark Cherry song, “Getaway” has quickly become a fan favorite (there’s now a ringtone version out there if you want it).

Soon, fans should be able to get easy access to all their favorite Arrested musical numbers. According to TV Guide, there is an Arrested Development soundtrack in the works. The publication spoke with the show’s composer David Schwartz, who says he’s currently working on a full-length version of “Getaway” for the project. Michael Schneider reports:

Schwartz is currently putting together the soundtrack, which is expected to include both songs and score from all four seasons of the cult favorite comedy.

“There are hundreds of pieces [that could wind up on the soundtrack], but I think I’ve cut it down to 40 or 50 so far,” Schwartz says of selecting the songs. “I’ve received so many requests and now I’m trying to whittle it down.”

According to TV Guide, Schwartz also said he’s trying to get an extended version of another fan favorite, “Balls in the Air” on the compilation, and there will also be a medley of songs from Fantastic Four.

Personally, I’m hoping for some Teamocil love, and maybe something from Mother Boy (pictured).

It’s unclear when this soundtrack might be released, but we’ll let you know when we find out.