Arias: Bomb Threat Delays Sentencing

On Wednesday afternoon, Jodi Arias was found guilty by a jury of murdering her former boyfriend. She was found to have murdered Travis Alexander, stabbing him nearly 30 times, slitting his throat, and...
Arias: Bomb Threat Delays Sentencing
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On Wednesday afternoon, Jodi Arias was found guilty by a jury of murdering her former boyfriend. She was found to have murdered Travis Alexander, stabbing him nearly 30 times, slitting his throat, and shooting him in the head with a gun before leaving his body in his shower. Her story of self-defense from domestic abuse did not convince the jury.

Now that she’s been convicted, the question on everyone’s mind is whether or not she will receive the death penalty for her crime. Unfortunately, followers of the trial have had to wait a while longer for the sentencing.

According to an Associated Press report, a bomb threat tweeted shortly after the verdict was announced delayed the sentencing while authorities swept the courthouse. Police were able to track the tweeter to a hotel in Phoenix, and a man named Laquint Cherry has been arrested for felony threats.

The tweets began on a Twitter account with the handle @GrimlinSkeleton shortly after Arias was found guilty. The tweeter stated that IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) had been planted in the Phoenix court room where the Arias trial took place. Subsequent tweets insulted Arias’ victim, challenged authorities, and were generally trolling:

The account’s last tweet went out shortly before Cherry was arrested:

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