
Are You Ready to Pay Retailers with Your Phone?

Retrevo has released the results of a study, looking at the buzz surrounding Google Wallet, NFC, and new ways to pay for products in-store with a mobile device. The study finds 79% of people aren’t ready to start using their phones to pay for goods in stores.

“Even for the mobile wallet optimists the NFC glass is only about a quarter full,” says Retrevo. “The fact is, only around 21% of consumers would like to buy things with a mobile wallet and are waiting for that capability to be in their next cell phone. Unfortunately for mobile wallet providers, the overwhelming majority (79%) of consumers in this study, are either not interested in mobile wallets or don’t know what a mobile wallet is. It also looks like interest in mobile wallets divides along generational lines with 28% of 18 – 35 year olds expressing much stronger interest in NFC than the large majority (75%) of the 50 and older set who don’t want anything to do with it. Men appear to be more interested in buying things (27%) with their phones as women (15%) with nearly twice as many men as women indicating they would like to be able to buy things with their cell phones.”

My guess is that as the mobile wallet products hit the market more, on phones people are using anyway, they’ll catch on more, and the buzz will grow, provided retailers adopt these payment methods on a mainstream scale. That obviously will have a great deal to do with it.

Retrevo study on mobile wallets

Some highlights from the study:

– 40% of iPhone owners are the most likley to want NFC (mobile wallet) compatibility in their next cell phone, compared with Android owners (24%)
– 75% of people over age 50 were not at all interested in a phone with a mobile wallet
– Men are more interested in a mobile wallet (27%) than women (15%).
– Retrevo asked cell phone owners what company they would trust to provide a mobile wallet:
– 36% Said Google
– 33% Said Apple
– 32% Said Visa, Master Card or American Express
– 26% Said AT&T, Verizon or their cell phone carrier
– 33% Said none of the above