
Apps Now Top Way People Consume Digital Media In US

comSore has a new report out looking at mobile app usage in the U.S. It finds that it has become the top way people are consuming digital media, but interestingly, it has done so without damaging desktop or the mobile web.

Take a look at the growth in digital time spent for desktop, mobile apps, and mobile browsers:

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Digital media usage is growing as a whole largely thanks to smartphones with tablets only accounting for 12% to smartphones’ 65%.

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What apps are they using? Mostly the ones you would expect.k Here’s how they stack up:

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The report states the obvious in that app usage is “reflexive,” with apps occupying the best home screen real estate being the most use.

“Publishers must place more value on this real estate if they don’t want to lose out in the transition to mobile. A small slice of app users can contribute a lot of usage,” it says. “Millennials are the heaviest app users and they spend a lot of time on social media and other platforms. Publishers must have a well-developed platform strategy to get mobile traffic and find ways to convert app users.

You can find the full 55-page report here. It’s free.

Images via Wikimedia Commons, comScore