
Apple Updates the iPod Nano

office tech trends

Phil Shiller took the stage at Apple’s “Let’s talk iPhone” event to talk about the iPod nano. He called it ” a really fun way to enjoy music wherever you are.” The updated nano even features big icons, instead of the classic 2×2 stack.

Some new updates to the iPod nano:

– Compact design
– Multi-Touch display
– Volume buttons
– Integrated clip
– Pedometer
– FM radio

Shiller pointed out that there was an “improved fitness experience”, now you’ll be able to go for a run or a walk… right out of the box. No extra sensors are needed. A shout-out to Nike+ was also thrown in there, for their help removing shoe dongles.

16 new clocks were also introduced for the iPod nano: classic LCD style, roman numerals, neon sign, and even a Mickey Mouse face. This is nice for those who insert their nano into those watchbands, you essentially get 16 new watches… you can’t beat that.

The price points for the new nano are: 8GB $129 – 16GB $149