
Apple Tries To Block Samsung Galaxy S III In U.S.

In a move that should surprise absolutely no one, Apple has filed a motion to block U.S. sales of the new Samsung Galaxy S III. The motion, embedded below, was filed earlier this week as an addendum to a previous request for an injunction against the Galaxy Nexus.

According to Apple, the Galaxy S III, which runs the same Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich operating system as the Galaxy Nexus, infringes on the same two Apple patents that serve as grounds for the Galaxy Nexus injunction request. It seems that as soon as the Galaxy S III hit stores in the U.K., Apple got their hands on one and started digging through it for evidence of infringement. Check out the motion below:

12-06-05 Apple Motion on Galaxy S III

According to Florian Mueller of FOSS Patents, Samsung has filed a response to Apple’s motion. They say that it is too late to add to the original request, which was filed in February.

Interestingly, Apple appears to have steered clear (for the moment) of claiming infringement over the Galaxy S III’s S Voice feature, which bears a striking resemblance to a certain other voice-activated phone based personal assistant program:

S Voice vs. Siri