
Apple Resolves App Store Update Problem

office tech trends

Apple has fixed a bug that was causing certain updates to crash on launch. Yesterday we told you that many users were experiencing a bug that caused recently updated apps to crash on launch. The update affected over three dozen apps, including Instapaper, the free version of Angry Birds Space HD, GoodReader, Readdle Scanner Pro, and many more.

According to a statement released to AllThingsD, Apple says they have now fixed the problem. According to the statement, the problem stemmed from a server that generated the DRM code for the affected apps. Instead of unlocking the apps for their users, the faulty DRM code caused the apps to crash.

The problem was first brought to light by Instapaper developer Marco Arment, who posted to his blog that he had received a “deluge” of message complaining that the recent update to Instagram crashed on launch. A little digging revealed that the problem was on the App Store side, and that somehow Apple was releasing apps that had been corrupted.

According to Apple, the situation has been resolved. If you had one of the affected apps, you’ll have to delete it and re-download it from the App Store in order to get it to work.