Apple CEO: Mac Transitioning To Our Own Apple Silicon

Today is the day that we are announcing that the Mac is transitioning to our own Apple Silicon. When we make bold changes it's for one simple yet powerful reason... so we can make much better products...
Apple CEO: Mac Transitioning To Our Own Apple Silicon
Written by Rich Ord

“Today is going to be a truly historic day for the Mac,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook at their at the Worldwide Developers Conference. “Today we are going to tell you about some really big changes, how we are going to take the Mac to a whole new level. From the very beginning, the Mac redefined the entire computer industry. The Mac has always been about innovation and boldly pushing things forward, embracing big changes to stay at the forefront of personal computing.”

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, announced today that Apple is going exclusively with Apple created silicon chips to power the Mac. Cook spoke at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference earlier today:

The Mac has had three major transitions in its history. The move to PowerPC, the transition to macOS X, and the move to Intel. Now it’s time for a huge leap forward for the Mac. Today is the day that we are announcing that the Mac is transitioning to our own Apple Silicon. When we make bold changes it’s for one simple yet powerful reason… so we can make much better products. When we look ahead we envision some major new products and transitioning to our own custom silicon is what will enable us to bring them to life.

At Apple, integrating hardware and software is fundamental to everything we do. That’s what makes our products so great and silicon is at the heart of our hardware. So having a world class silicon design team is a game changer.

Apple CEO Tim Cook: Mac Transitioning To Our Own Apple Silicon

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