
Apple Calls Out ‘Meta’s Hypocrisy’ Over High Content Creator Fees

Facebook Horizon

Apple is calling out “Meta’s hypocrisy” after the latter announced it would charge a 47.5% commission for creating content in the metaverse.

Apple has been under fire for some time for charging developers a 30% App Store commission. Despite criticizing Apple’s practices, Meta has revealed its own commission, far exceeding what Apple charges. The Cupertino company isn’t passing up the opportunity to call Meta out.

“Meta has repeatedly taken aim at Apple for charging developers a 30% commission for in-app purchases in the App Store — and have used small businesses and creators as a scapegoat at every turn,” Apple spokesman Fred Sainz told MarketWatch. “Now — Meta seeks to charge those same creators significantly more than any other platform. [Meta’s] announcement lays bare Meta’s hypocrisy. It goes to show that while they seek to use Apple’s platform for free, they happily take from the creators and small businesses that use their own.”

So far, the response to Meta’s announcement has been almost universally critical over the whopping commission rate. Apple has simply come out and said exactly what many were already thinking.