
AOL Reader Spotted in the Wild, Currently in Private Beta

It looks like AOL is getting ready to throw their hat in the who-wants-to-replace-Google-reader ring. The Next Web discovered reader.aol.com – a barebones site that features just one message:

“AOL Reader: All your favorite websites, in once place.”

It says that the product is in private beta and lets you submit an email address to request an invite. Also, the site has a familiar favicon – the universal symbol for RSS.

Also, from TNW:

[T]he site’s CSS styles reveal that the service will offer mobile Web optimizations for touch devices. Additionally, it appears LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter and Facebook sharing will be supported, judging by the CSS.

As you probably know, Google Reader’s days are numbered. The service will go dark on July 1st. And with that shutter, millions of RSS users will go scrambling for something to latch onto (the ones who haven’t left already). Of course, there are already options out there like Feedly, Netvibes, The Old Reader, Bloglovin’, NewsBlur, FlipBoard, Pulse, and Zite. And Digg just announced a private beta for its new RSS reader, set to launch to all on June 26th. Oh, and maybe Facebook could be in the mix as well?

The point is, the space is crowded.

UPDATE: AOL just posted this Vine video. See you Monday!