
Android 5.0 (Lollipop) Gets Consumer Launch Date

Google’s latest version of Android, 5.0 or “Lollipop,” will be available to consumers beginning on November 3rd. Google first previewed some of its new features back at Google I/O in the early summer, and officially announced it last week.

Android Police shares a message Google provided to developers, which includes the date:

Android 5.0 SDK available You can get started developing and testing your apps on Android 5.0 by downloading the Android 5.0 Platform (API Level 21). Also, you can now publish apps that target Android 5.0 Lollipop to Google Play.

Before Android 5.0 is available to consumers on November 3, we recommend that you test your apps and publish any needed updates to the Play Store.

Google tells you more about Lollipop’s features here. This includes “Material Design,” which is bringing a new look to a lot of apps.

Image via Google