Amber Rose: Baby Sebastian Is Here!

Amber Rose has seemed very pregnant for a very long time to many of her fans, so it was with a huge welcome that she and fiance Wiz Khalifa announced on Twitter that their baby boy had come into the w...
Amber Rose: Baby Sebastian Is Here!
Written by Amanda Crum

Amber Rose has seemed very pregnant for a very long time to many of her fans, so it was with a huge welcome that she and fiance Wiz Khalifa announced on Twitter that their baby boy had come into the world.

Sebastian “The Bash” Taylor Thomaz was born on Thursday, March 21st and immediately charmed his parents, who tweeted about their precious gift and received well-wishes from all manner of celebrity friends.

Rose, who garnered fame as a model of unconventional beauty with her closely cropped, platinum hair, reportedly told her fiance that after giving birth, she wanted some very specific things.

“My wife said she just wants a Jack & coke, a cheesesteak, and a cigarette,” he said. “That’s why I’m marrying that woman!”


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