
Amber Lancaster, “Price is Right” Model, Trips and Damages Set While On Air

Amber Lancaster, one of the models on The Price is Right, had a mishap while on the air Friday. Lancaster lost her balance–she was wearing stilettos–and tripped, damaging some stage lighting in the process.

“What..geez!” Price is Right host Drew Carey exclaimed. He was sympathetic to both Amber Lancaster’s well-being and her embarrassment.

The contestant on stage during the mishap looked horrified.

“Did I do that?” the contestant asked, as Amber Lancaster and a second model, who also wore stilettos, laughed.

“Are you OK? the contestant asked Amber Lancaster.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just gonna die of embarrassment,” Lancaster replied.

Fortunately for Amber Lancaster, this isn’t the first time a Price is Right professional has taken a tumble on stage. Back in January, the show’s announcer, George Gray, fell off a treadmaill during the show.

It’s time for the memes to star up, don’t you think? It shouldn’t be long before poor Amber Lancaster is teased mercilessly for her embarrassing mishap.