
Amazon: These Are The Most Romantic American Cities

Romance is in the air, or so says the people paid to market Valentine’s Day to Americans. Over the next few weeks, you’ll be bombarded with ads to pick up some chocolates, maybe some flowers or even a romantic comedy to enjoy with the mister or missus on Friday night. If you happen to live in San Antonio, you might have already bought all of the above and then some.

Amazon released its annual list of America’s top 20 most romantic cities this morning. Some may be surprised to learn that San Antonio is number one on the list with Seattle coming in at number two.

So, how did Amazon come to this conclusion? They looked at sales data for products traditionally related to romance or love in cities with more than 100,000 residents. To be more specific, they looked at sales of romance novels, romantic comedies, romantic music (like Barry White), and sexual wellness products.

I don’t know about you, but this is starting to sound like a list of America’s loneliest cities.

Here’s the full list of cities:

1. San Antonio
2. Seattle
3. Knoxville, Tenn.
4. Miami
5. Alexandria, Va.
6. Orlando, Fla.
7. Vancouver, Wash.
8. Cincinnati
9. Spokane, Wash.
10. Dayton, Ohio
11. Columbus, S.C.
12. San Jose, Calif.
13. Murfreesboro, Tenn.
14. Round Rock, Texas
15. Sioux Falls, S.D.
16. Las Vegas
17. Pittsburgh
18. Everett, Wash.
19. Erie, Pa.
20. Clearwater, Fla.

Amazon notes that this is the first time San Antonio has ever been on the list. For it to hit number one in its first year is pretty amazing.

As for the least romantic cities, San Buenaventura, Calif., New York City and El Monte, Calif. are at the bottom. It’s kind of funny since so many romance films are set in New York City and yet its residents aren’t buying many romantic films and music.

In other news, Amazon announced last year that Alexandria, VA was the most well-read city in the U.S. A lot of the cities on both lists match up which leads me to believe that many of our romantic cities have a thing for romance novels.

Image via Amazon