
Amazon Mobile App SDK Makes Nice With Adobe AIR

We recently reported on how Adobe AIR and Flash are being used to make the next generation of mobile titles. Now Amazon is tapping into these tools to bring its APIs to more people in mobile development.

Amazon announced today that Adobe AIR native extensions for the In-App Purchasing and GameCircle APIs are now available to its mobile app developers. What this means is that games be developed with AIR can now easily integrate IAP and GameCircle without having to write any custom code.

This is just the latest addition to the Amazon Mobile App SDK in recent months as the company has been aggressively courting developers by offering free tools that make the development process easier. The most recent addition was an Eclipse plugin that would make integrating Amazon APIs into Android apps much easier.

Alongside mobile development, Amazon is getting into traditional PC development in a big way by offering its In-App Purchasing API to game developers who post free-to-play PC titles on Game Connect.

In short, all of this shows that Amazon is getting really serious about gaming on mobile and desktop. The retail games business may be shrinking, but Amazon is poised to be a major player in the digital games business in the years to come. It’s Appstore for Android is already doing extremely well, and it will only get better from here on out if it’s able to secure exclusive titles and even stronger developer support.