
Amazon Launches Kindle Singles

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 Amazon has officially introduced its Kindle Singles, short format ebooks that it announced plans for back in October.

Kindle Singles are between 5,000  and 30,000 words and are available in the Kindle Store for between $0.99 and $4.99. Amazon said it plans to frequently introduce many more Kindle Singles over time.

Kindle-Singles “The response to our announcement of Singles has been great," said Russ Grandinetti, Vice President of Kindle Content.

"This first set of Singles was selected by our team of editors, and includes works by Rich Cohen, Darin Strauss, Ian Ayres, and the first-ever books published by TED. We think customers will be riveted by these stories that can take them to a Swedish bank heist or to the Mexican border town of Juarez, or to consider a new way to think about happiness."

 At launch Kindle Singles features 22 titles including:

 The Real Lebowski by Rich Cohen

 Leaving Home: Short Pieces by Jodi Picoult

 Beware Dangerism! by Gever Tulley