
Amazon Beats Netflix in Customer Satisfaction

As retail giant Amazon further expands into the realm of streaming media and impending original content, a new ForeSee report on customer satisfaction shows that the company has exceeded Netflix.

The report surveyed roughly 21,000 repsondents who patron the top 100 retail sites on the web, including merchants of apparel, books, music and video, computers and electronics, mass merchants, home improvement and more. The survey scores on a 100 point scale, and shows that Amazon comes in at #1, with a score of 89, the highest ever in the 7 years the survey has been conducted.

Here are the results from web-only vendors:

amazon report

Netflix likewise did well with a score of 81, and that company has been doing well in turning things around as of late, posting a Q1 earnings report that exceeded analyst expectations. Amazon has also seen an improvement in its most recent assessment, with sales being up 34%.

Below are the results for the broad sampling of stores:


Apple tied for 2nd with QVC with a score of 85, and Netflix achieved a score of 81, along with Victoria’s Secret, Swiss Colony, Kohl’s and HSN.