
Amanda Knox: Innocence Doubted by Raffaele Sollecito


Fingers continue to be pointed in all directions and details continue to emerge in the aftermath of the ruling for the Amanda Knox retrial. Knox’s former boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, was recently quoted as doubting his ex-girlfriend’s innocence in the Meredith Kercher murder case. Sollecito shared, “I don’t want to be punished for, nor have to continue to justify, those things that regard you and not me.”

During an interview an the Today show, Sollecito admitted to asking Knox questions regarding her behavior during the initial onslaught of the investigation. “Certainly I asked her questions. Why did you take a shower? Why did she spent so much time there?”

It appears to many that Knox’s former boyfriend is making a concerted effort to separate himself from her. According to legal analyst Lisa Bloom, “I think he’s distancing himself from her. He’s saying that there is some evidence that may apply to her, which doesn’t apply to him.”

During an appearance on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, Sollecito expressed his shock at being targeted a suspect where he believes his connection with Knox is what prompted the target. “Why do they convict me? Why do [they] put me on the corner and say that I’m guilty just because in their minds I have to be guilty because I was her boyfriend. It doesn’t make any sense to me.”

There was a time when Sollecito defended both his and Knox’s innocence. “I don’t know what to think, because objectively, there’s nothing against me and nothing very strong against Amanda,” he said.

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