
Amanda Bynes Loses Her Driver’s License

Amanda Bynes just keeps getting trouble heaped onto her plate.

The 26-year old actress is accused of drunk driving, side-swiping a policeman, and leaving the scene of two other accidents in April and August of this year. She already faces criminal charges for the incidents–in which she could do jail time–and now, she is forbidden to drive in the state of California.

Bynes has denied all along the allegations that she was drinking and driving, taking to Twitter to vent her frustrations and even tweeting at President Obama to fire the officer who arrested her. Now, however, her actions have caught up to her and she’ll have to face the consequences.

If convicted, Bynes could do up to a year of jail time and will face fines for the two misdemeanor charges of hit-and-run. She was briefly jailed after the DUI arrest in April but quickly posted bail.