
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Enters Public Beta

Adobe, as a company, is never one to rest on its laurels. They are constantly improving their software and they want their users to give them the feedback they need to make it the best it can be.

Adobe announced the launch of the Photoshop CS6 open beta today. What does an open beta mean to you? Anybody can download it and try it out to see the new features coming in the next edition of Photoshop.

What are the new features contained in the latest version of Photoshop? Adobe lays out what they feel are the most important features in the newest version:

Content-Aware Patch — Patch images with greater control using the newest member of the Content-Aware family of technologies. Choose the sample area you want to use to create your patch, and then watch Content-Aware Patch magically blend pixels for a stunning result.

Blazingly fast performance and a modern UI — Experience unprecedented performance with the Mercury Graphics Engine, which gives you near-instant results when you edit with key tools such as Liquify, Puppet Warp, and Crop. Plus, a refined, fresh, and elegant Photoshop interface features dark background options that make your images pop.

New and re-engineered design tools — Create superior designs fast. Get consistent formatting with type styles, create and apply custom strokes and dashed lines to shapes, quickly search layers, and much more.

If you don’t know how to use any of the new features in CS6, Adobe has set up a great Web site with tips, tricks and tutorials that teaches users how to get the most out of the CS6 beta. There are in-depth videos and guides on layers, image correction, image manipulation and everything else you need to know when using photoshop.

Adobe’s Senior Creative Director, Russel Brown, lays out his six favorite features that are new to the CS6 beta. They may not be your favorites, but it shows off some of the new features that make CS6 even more awesome over previous versions.

Here’s another video that explains the content-aware technology new to the CS6 beta. It’s admittedly the most impressive part of CS6 and I can’t wait to play around with it.

You can download the CS6 beta now from the Adobe Web site. Let us know how it is in the comments.