
New Bing Product Ads Powered By Adobe Media Optimizer

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Online retailers have a new reason to be excited over their pay per click marketing campaigns.  Today, Adobe has become first to market with their new Adobe Media Optimizer system powered by Bing Product Ads.

This new system allows for a new exciting ad format only offered to retail advertisers. This ad format currently is only available in the United States.

This new system pulls products from an advertiser’s product data feed and delivers images, promotion information and other details found inside a search ad!

This new ad format allows advertisers to take advantage of some neat new features like:

  • Man­age Bing Prod­uct Ads and Pro­mo­tions Lines
  • Man­age Bing Prod­uct Targets
  • Report and mea­sure Prod­uct Ad and Prod­uct Tar­get per­for­mance against ROI metrics
  • View search queries that led to con­ver­sions through Bing Prod­uct Ads
  • Algo­rith­mi­cally opti­mize bids between indi­vid­ual Prod­uct Tar­gets and the broad All Prod­uct Target
  • Cre­ate and update cam­paigns from prod­uct feeds and tem­plates using Advanced Cam­paign Man­age­ment (com­ing this quarter)

This is not new, however, to Google. Recently Adobe Media Optimizer helped create Googles Product Listing Ads and also worked to develop the new Google Enchanced Campaigns. With recent studies showing image placement near ads have a higher click through rate, this technology is now in retail marketers back pockets for black Friday and cyber Mondays this year.