
Adobe Launches New Features For EchoSign On iOS, Web


Adobe has announced version 2 of EchoSign for iOS, as well as a few new features for the web version.

“Version 2 of the iOS application offers users the ability to sign documents offline, automatically sync them back to cloud and have access to all of their critical documents regardless of location,” a spokesperson for Adobe tells us. “The app also features a completely redesigned user interface for sending, signing and managing transactions. ”

The app is available in the App Store.

New features for the web version of EchoSign include the ability to create dynamic contracts with real-time calculations, as well as the ability to zoom in and out during signing and form field authoring and some brand enhancements.

“With this release, the already customizable and easy electronic signing experience has been improved to better align with the customers brand and business processes when getting documents signed,” the company says.

Adobe also announced plans for a multi-million dollar data center, which will open in Chicago this summer. The data center is designed to help support growing customer demand for EchoSign, the company says.