
Adobe Game Jam Shows Off The Latest Flash Development Tools

System76 Pangolin - Credit System76

Earlier this month, Adobe added its popular game development tools to its Creative Cloud membership program. The move will help lower the entry barrier into developing with Flash as it lets developers have access to every Adobe CS6, Web and game development tool for a low monthly fee. On top of that, Adobe hosted a Game Jam that proves its game development tools are still helping to create some fantastic Web experiences.

Like any game jam, the participants had a limited amount of time to move from pre-production to a finished product. In this case, developers had 24 hours to come up with a concept and develop the title into a finished product with Flash.

Adobe reports that five teams from the Chicago area competed in the game jam. The winner was a game titled Disaster at CP1 that puts players in the role of a firefighter. There’s even a playable demo if you want to check out the game that caught the eyes of the judges at the event.

Most of the games at the event were built using the Citrus Game Engine and the Starling Framework. Both are free, open source development tools for Flash that should help set you on the path to developing 2D games in Flash. If you want to make 3D games, you’ll want to get the similarly free Away3D framework.

As for the event itself, Adobe shot some video to show off the games that developers built with Flash:

If you want to get started on building games with the latest versions of Flash and AIR, check out the following video that has some tips on getting started:

While you’re a it, you’ll want to check out the latest release notes for the newest versions of Flash and AIR. There’s some new features that you’ll want to keep in mind whether you’re developing the next hit Web or mobile game, or you’re developing a new video app.