
Add Transformers To The List Of Things 3D Printers Can Make


3D printing is often used to make ordinary objects, but the really amazing stuff comes when creators thinks outside the box. The people of Japan have really exemplified this with the disturbing 3D printed fetus and awesome 3D printed portraits. Now a Japanese robotics company has made a transformer with a 3D printer.

The company, Brave Robotics, will be attending the Maker Faire in Tokyo next week with its latest invention – Transforming Robot 7.2. The robot is a 1:12 scale model, and can easily transform from a car to a bi-pedal robot and back again. It’s controlled via a remote control in both modes, and sports a Wi-Fi camera that beams a live feed to a tablet.

So where does the 3D printer come into this? The inner components of the robot are traditional machine parts, but the company built the outside of the robot with a custom-made 3D printer. The process allows Brave Robotics to produce the robot in any color that the customer wants.

As stated, the Transforming Robot 7.2 will be at Tokyo’s Maker Faire next week. It might be worth checking out if you find yourself in the area. After that, it appears that Brave Robotics will begin selling the robot to hobbyists, inventors and people who just dig giant robots.

[h/t: Ponoko]