
“Goodnight iPad” Is A Bedtime Story For The Tech Age

Have you ever wanted a children’s book that speaks to the current tech obsessed generation? You’re in luck then.

Ann Droyd brings us a parody of “Goodnight Moon” called “Goodnight iPad.” The book is billed as “A parody for the next generation.” It’s a bedtime story like the stories we grew up with that calmed our hearts and taught us valuable lessons.

What lesson is that, you ask? We’ll let the book’s summary fill you in:

Like the rest of us who cannot resist just a few more scrolls and clicks, you may find yourself ready for bed while still clinging to your electronics long after dark. This book, which is made of paper, is a reminder for the child in all of us to power down at the end of the day. This hilarious parody not only pokes loving fun at the bygone quiet of the original classic, but also at our modern plugged-in lives. It will make you laugh, and it will also help you put yourself and your machines to sleep. Don’t worry, though. Your gadgets will be waiting for you, fully charged, in the morning.

I know that I’m like a kid when it comes to technology and can not bring myself away from it, even for sleep. The book is a fun, little parody that’s good for both parents and their kids. It’s no “Go the F**k to Sleep,” but it’s hard to match that.

Here’s an animated version of the book: