
Smartphone Apps That Can Shrink Your Wallet

Convenience is the host and we are the parasites that feed from it. With the growing technology of today’s world, mobile apps have emerged to the forefront of society giving us the ability to access, learn and do things faster, sometimes, than the actual internet. With everything from a T-pain autotune app to apps with which you can create your own pottery, these convenient and sometimes silly apps are popular among smartphone users.

With apps ranging from free to as much as a few dollars in price, companies can have the chance to rake in millions upon millions due to the vast amounts of apps available.

The following list displays and details just a few of the many, more expensive apps you can purchase; warning these prices may cause your wallet to cry.

Agro for iPhone and iPad ($999.99)- Available to help argonomists create and distribute field inspection reports. Specially designed for those in such fields as farming, orchards, vineyards and other similar soil management areas.

MobiGage for iPhone and iPad($999.99)- this is a meteorology app that measures materials in manufacturing plants using a Leica laser. It can be used in the production of airplanes, cars, etc. . . PC versions of this software can cost as much as 25,000 dollars

BarMax for iPhone and iPad ($999.99)- This app is a prep course for either the New York or California state bar exam. It comes with test prep questions from actual past tests, essays and also comes with audio lectures. The company that makes the app is currently working on the app for other states as well.

iStutter for iPhone ($999.99)- For those who struggle with with the speech problem of stuttering, this app is intended for you. According to the app’s description It “analyzes vocal fold activity and selectively provides delayed auditory feedback when the user’s speech is too fast or the user is stuttering”.

iVIP Black for iPhone ($999.99)- this is cool app caters to those who have at least a net worth of 1 million dollars and you have to be able to prove it. The app gets you special treatment at select luxury events, hotels, clubs, etc… It allows you to book private jets, yachts, private islands and more.

Engine Connect for iPad ($999.99)- Meteorologists, sportscasters and news anchors alike can manipulate animations like weather maps and other illustrations live on screen as viewers watch.

Android users don’t have to feel left out, they have a couple of expensive apps as well; although they are pretty pointless.

Black Diamond ($200)- Buy this app and you have your very own black diamond…as a wallpaper. Yeah, that’s right, it’s just a pointlessly expensive wallpaper for your homescreen. I say pointless because the nearly same Blue Diamond app is available for the astonishing price of…free.

Vuvuzela World Cup Horn Plus ($200)- Download the app, shake your phone and boom, you have your own Vuvuzela horn. Shake it to stop. Again, all for a ridiculous 200 bucks.