
Facebook Timeline Users Are Unhappy: Infographic

Whether you love the new Timeline or despise its very creation, you’re getting it, like it or not. Recently SodaHead.com surveyed its users and the results are predominately not in favor for the Timeline.

SodaHead.com is the world’s largest opinion based community and its recent survey found that 70 percent of those responding to the poll were not in favor of Timeline; they voted that Facebook “lose it”.

Only 20 percent of those polled were in favor of the Timeline and a very small 10 percent claimed to not use Facebook at all.

The poll found users between the ages of 18 and 24 like Timeline and only a finite 10 percent of users 65 and over thought the change was “neat”. Broken into genders, men and women had exactly the same opinion. 77 percent dislike it, while 23 percent like it.

In countries like India and Brazil Facebook is growing drastically; the poll found users outside of America are more welcoming of the new Timeline.

Facebook experienced a drop in traffic, but thanks to foreign traffic the social media network is still growing and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.