
Kim Dotcom Not Cool With His Wikipedia Entry

A week ago, MegaUpload founder Kim Dotcom was arrested at his home, and was reportedly found near a firearm as authorities raided.

According to Dotcom, however, most of what you read about him online isn’t even true though (according to Detective Inspector Grant Wormald from the Organised and Financial Crime Agency New Zealand, as reported by Reuters, the above was true).

Dotcom spoke in an email exclusively to NZHerald ahead of his arrest, in which he slammed what he deemed to be false information about him on the web. Here are a couple of quotes the publication shares:

“Most things that you can read about me on the internet are inaccurate or fabrications.”

“I am sure people wonder why anyone would want to post so much negativity about someone like me on Wikipedia. I mean, just look at it, it’s all dark and grim. It looks like I achieved nothing but getting away with numerous crimes.”

Here’s what Wikipedia currently says about his insider trading and embezzlement:

Kim Dotcom on Wikipedia

Of course everybody knows that just because you read something on Wikipedia doesn’t make it true. That said, the above, as you can see, does point to various sources.

I know one thing. I’m starting to wonder just how good at Modern Warfare 3 Dotcom really is.