
Twitter Hack Week Is Underway


Innovative minds are currently working to improve upon a service you know and love so dearly. Twitter’s first Hack Week of 2012 is underway.

Twitter began these Hack Weeks back in 2010. Here’s how they described the work that would take place: “There aren’t many rules – basically we’ll work in small teams and share our projects with the company at the end of the week. What will happen with each project will be determined once it’s complete. Some may ship immediately, others may be added to the roadmap and built out in the future, and the remainder may serve as creative inspiration.”

And their game-plan for this Hack Week doesn’t seem too different: “[W]e’ll have a bunch of awesome new products, features, and ideas. Some may launch quickly, and others will earn more time and attention to further develop.”

It’s #hackweek at twitter and we’re doing a lot of open source things like testing out and finalizing @twbootstrap 2.0! http://t.co/ZhuhKxmG 18 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

Get comfortable with uncertainty; it leaves room for inspiration. #hackweek 1 day ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

Enjoying this weeks #HackWeek at Twitter. iOS dev hurts my brain but we’re looking good so far. Who says global teams can’t work! 19 hours ago via Twitter for Mac · powered by @socialditto

Employees across the company have formed nearly 100 teams to work on a variety of projects. Some are developing ways that could make Twitter even easier to use; others are testing out a new feature or tool that people might want to see in the service. Some projects are technical, and strategic; some are fun, giving people a chance to stretch their creative muscles.

Since 2010’s first Hack Week, Twitter has changed a lot (whether you like it or not). But with any service, there’s always room for improvement and extracurricular hackathons are oftentimes the best way for companies to develop new innovations.

We’ll be excited to see what comes out of this one.