
Google Webmaster Office Hours Hangout on Thursday at 10:30 am EST

Short notice, everyone, but Google Webmaster Trends Analyst Pierre Far has announced his first 2012 webmaster office hours hangout, and it’s happening at 10:30 am Thursday morning.

From his Google+ post:

When: Thursday 26 January 2012 at 3:30pm UK time. Find out the time where you are at: http://goo.gl/Xwh7J

Where: A hangout here on Google+. It works best with a webcam + headset. You can find out more about Hangouts and how to participate at http://goo.gl/ZH9xZ

Topic? Anything webmaster related like crawling, mobile, indexing, duplicate content, Sitemaps, Webmaster Tools, pagination, duplicate content, multi-lingual/multi-regional sites, etc.

Please join us! Hope to see many of you soon! Don’t forget to bring your questions or post them here ahead of time if you can’t make it 🙂

Google hosts these office hours hangouts around 1-3 times a week. Yesterday, Google’s John Mueller hosted one on similar topics.