“Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day” From Twitter

Ah, Twitter. The tool of revolutions. Did you know it today was Squirrel Appreciation Day? If not, you must not be on Twitter. If you were, you’d surely have noticed some tweets around this tren...
“Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day” From Twitter
Written by Chris Crum

Ah, Twitter. The tool of revolutions.

Did you know it today was Squirrel Appreciation Day? If not, you must not be on Twitter. If you were, you’d surely have noticed some tweets around this trending topic. That is if you could draw yourself away from the #mustybutthole tweets (a trending topic from earlier).

You may not find a whole lot about what people are searching for (today, the top search trend has been Elizabeth Smart’s engagement), but you’ll find plenty on squirrel appreciation and musty rectums. I can’t believe Google would give Google+ better treatment than Twitter in search results.

Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day! 1 hour ago via web · powered by @socialditto

How odd. National Hug Day falls on the same day as Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day. TIme to find some happy squirrels to hug. COME HERE! 49 seconds ago via web · powered by @socialditto

I’m sorry but i think its funny that Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day is trending today while i am trying to trend #HappyBirthdayBooboo ! LOL 3 minutes ago via web · powered by @socialditto

*shoots a squirrel out of a tree* RT @SmittyMcLovin_ Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day Everybody ^_^ Now go pet some Squirrels people! 1 minute ago via web · powered by @socialditto

‘Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day’ everyone, hope you all enjoyed it 🙂 #SquirrelsAreHot 12 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® · powered by @socialditto

Lil Brova: Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day. Big Brova: Squirrel Appreciation deez nutz. 1 minute ago via web · powered by @socialditto

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