
Homeless Teenager Becomes Semifinalist In Intel Science Competition

With the ETA of the workday’s end inching closer, here’s your feel-good story to ferry you into the weekend:

Samantha Garvey, a 17-year-old high school senior in Long Island, New York, has been selected as a semifinalist in the eminent Intel Science Competition. That alone would be an accolade worth writing home about except this achievement is about to go from impressive to kicking you in the awesome button:

Garvey is homeless.

A New York CBS affiliate, WCBS 880, spoke to Garvey, who is 1 of 61 students in Long Island in the competition’s finals, ran the story yesterday:

Garvey said she was blown away and started crying when she learned about her place in the competition.

“I’ve gotten a lot of calls. People on Facebook, they’re posting things on my wall and it’s really exciting,” she said.

“I did a marsh study where I looked at mussels in a marsh and I saw that when they were exposed to crabs, they grew heavier shells,” she said.

After that, she introduced the situation to a lab setting.

Garvey’s other impressive stats: plays violin, speaks Italian, 3.9 GPA, all around ass-kicker of science. And if there’s any justice in the universe, you will one day call her Boss.