
iPad 3 Displays To Be Supplied By Samsung And LG

Among the many swirling iPad 3 rumors, one thing has remained fairly constant: the (retina) displays for the new tablet will be manufactured by Sharp. Now, however, it looks as though that isn’t going to be the case after all. Korea’s ET News is reporting confirmation that the LCD panels for Apple’s next iPad will in fact be coming from Samsung and LG, rather than Sharp. In fact, production of the panels has reportedly been underway at Samsung and LG facilities for some time.

ET News also reports that Sharp was in the running to make the panels, but did not manage to meet Apple’s requirements for mass production. The report also states that Apple is planning to order more than 65 million panels at least for the iPad 3 in 2012, and that the initial production run will be around 5 million.

[Source: ET News]