YouTube Announces January’s On The Rise Nominees

YouTube’s been doing their part to help their partners (which, as far as I can tell, are business entrepreneurs who’ve posted videos to YouTube in order to showcase their wares) get more e...
YouTube Announces January’s On The Rise Nominees
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YouTube’s been doing their part to help their partners (which, as far as I can tell, are business entrepreneurs who’ve posted videos to YouTube in order to showcase their wares) get more exposure through their On The Rise program. YouTube explains the concept better than I’ll be able to:

For those new to the series, here’s how it works: we identify four YouTube Partners who are steadily growing but haven’t yet hit the 100,000 subscriber mark. You watch their videos, then vote for your favorite in the top right corner of this blog. The channel with the most votes at the end of the week will be featured on the YouTube homepage and videos page. In past months, winners like evmoneyTV and ThePortraitArt have seen growth in their audience and video engagement thanks to your support.

This month’s partners share a common theme of locomotion: skate boarding, gardening (plants move, y’know), yoga, and travel tips for California (people sometimes move, y’know). The four videos can be viewed below:

To vote for your favorite video, visit YouTube’s blog and you’ll find a poll in the top-right corner of the page. As of writing this, there are seven days remaining to cast a vote for your YouTube partner of choice.

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