
comScore Video Rankings For November 2011

Rankings of online videos for November 2011 were released yesterday by comScore. At first glance, a few rankings have shuffled around among the Top 10 Video Content Properties by Unique Viewers although Google sites, which is to really say (mostly) YouTube, remains solidly at the top of the list. VEVO eked out Facebook.com for second-highest ranking this month, but that’s mostly due Facebook’s sum of unique viewers dropping by almost 5,000; VEVO’s numbers are relatively the same, so we’ll see if Facebook recovers in December. It might have something to do with the fact that Facebook’s video supply was down by a little less than 100K in November because the amount of videos available on VEVO is almost identical to last month. With all the college kids on break, I bet mucho time-o is went whiling away the days watching videos on Facebook.

Microsoft Sites and Viacom Digital are also moved down a slot this month as Yahoo! Sites took the third ranking above them. Yahoo! saw an increase in unique viewers while Microsoft viewers dropped and Viacom stayed steady. Other than that, the remains of the list stayed relatively the same.

In the Top U.S. Online Video Ad Properties arena, one notable surge is Adap.tv’s strong showing in third place. Adap.tv wasn’t even on last month’s Top 10 list, but after crossing the 1 billion mark for video ads it’s bumped everybody else down on the list a spot. Hulu and Tremor Video remain the occupants of the #1 and #2 spots, respectively.

Finally, the list of Top 10 YouTube Partner Channels didn’t yield too many changes although there is one notable surprise: disney jimmykimmel came out of nowhere take the #6 spot. Like last month’s #8 occupant, Warner Brothers (The Ellen Show), I’d speculate that this was due to a viral video trend. On his late night talk show in October, Kimmel asked parents to post videos of themselves telling their children that they ate all of their Halloween candy in order to watch their heartbreaking reactions (cruel – yet funny!). It seems to have brought in a lot of traffic, and with Kimmel again asking parents to prank their children this Christmas by pretending to give them horrible presents and then share the video with him on YouTube, expect to see YouTube’s Kimmel channel to stay strong in the next month or two.