
Google Offers Quiz, New Categories to Boost Deal Relevancy

Google announced the launch of a personalization quiz that it is using to help Google Offers users get more relevant deals from local merchants. They’ve also added more categories to also help in this department.

New categories include: outdoor adventure sports, luxury experiences, family-friendly events, classes, etc. The new categories are starting in San Francisco and will roll out to other cities over the coming months.

“Our new personalization quiz is a first step towards bringing you more relevant deals,” says Nitin Mangtani, Group Product Manager, Google Offers. “You can tell us what categories you’re interested in and where you hang out so we can send you just the tailored offers that match your interests—all in one email. If you’re not the outdoorsy type or interested in cosmetic treatments, then we won’t send you deals for zipline adventures and laser hair removal. Don’t worry, if your interests change you can always update your preferences.”

Here’s what the quiz looks like:

Offers quiz

Google continues to expand Google Offers into more markets. This week, it launched in 4 new cities, and there are at least 21 more in store for the near future. The quiz is available in all available markets.

Google notes that The Dealmap team, which the company recently acquired was a big factor in the creation of the quiz concept.