
Occupy Google, Siri Pours Beer & Giant LEGO Man Washes Ashore

Today’s video round-up, as it often does, contains several Google-related pieces, including Matt Cutts talking about whether or not Google sees SEO as spam. No real surprises here, but always nice to hear it from the horse’s mouth. There’s also a nice mix of cool, funny, and creepy.

View more daily video round-ups here.

Matt Cutts talks Google’s view on SEO:

Occupy Google (radio satire):

Diablog III:

Darren Rowse looks at Google Analytics Real Time Stats:

The Nest Learning Thermostat:

Get Siri to pour you a beer (via Revision3/GeekBeat.Tv):


Conan does Siri:

Any unicycle stunt is unbelievable as far as I’m concerned:

Giant LEGO man washes ashore. Why not?