
Facebook Creepiness, How Google’s Cars Work & iPhone History Animated

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We’ve got an interesting mix of videos making the rounds today. They range from creepy and weird to just plain cool. I’ll let you decide which ones you think are the coolest (but seriously, how can it not be the quantum levitation?)

View more daily video round-ups here.

Take This Lollipop has some creepy Facebook fun. It’s more creepy if you actually allow the app to access your information.

How Google’s Self-driving car works:

An animated history of the iPhone:

CNET UK Presents: History of the iPhone, dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs from Drew Stearne on Vimeo.

This is just cool:

WebProNews interviews VP of Corporate Development at GoAnimate, which makes it easier to make political animations:

Funny Or Die Bill Clinton and celebrities video:

Chrome experiment:

Google video on using Google Analytics to find out where your customers are checking out: