Steve Jobs Remembered By Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart

Adding to the giant list of tech industry people, celebrities, politicians, athletes and everyday Apple users who have publicly expressed their condolences and memories of the late Steve Jobs – ...
Steve Jobs Remembered By Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart
Written by Josh Wolford

Adding to the giant list of tech industry people, celebrities, politicians, athletes and everyday Apple users who have publicly expressed their condolences and memories of the late Steve Jobs – the Comedy Central nightly news block has now weighed in.

On last night’s Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert gave his respects to Jobs with a bit that traced his excitement over various Apple products through the years.

He closes by remembering the brief communication that he had with Jobs, a short email following his appearance at the Grammy Awards. Check out Colbert saying goodbye to the icon with a rare break in character –

As the show closed, Colbert also gave this simple iPhone-themed tribute to Jobs:

On The Daily Show, Jon Stewart talked about his numerous interactions with Jobs, praising him for always being generous with his time. Stewart laments that the world lost Jobs way too soon, before we had time to extract a little more of his genius. Check it out:

What do you think about these tributes? What are the best tributes to Jobs that you’ve seen in the past couple of days? Let us know in the comments.

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